Years of having submerged himself in drugs, women, and fast-paced tours doesn’t alleviate Everett’s emptiness. Endora Crystal, a sought-after psychic, enters his life with comforting words and spiritual direction. She is determined that he accept his purpose as a god to his fans. There’s only one problem.
Now in his 30’s, full with fame and fortune, he has hit rock bottom, and his world is going to change. He sits behind the courtroom defense table charged with Endora’s murder. What has driven him to this moment in time? Has he been charged falsely?
This story unfolds as a memoir. Everett spills the details of his life and what led him to his present predicament, recounting dramatic events and important people that changed his destiny. One of these people is Karen Bayliss, a young lady who shares the love of Christ to him through letters and gifts throughout his Deathstroke career. She is not a fan of his band or his music, but has taken an interest in his soul. Will he listen to her or shake her off like dirt on his shoe as he does everyone else?
I don’t have the words to do this debut novel justice. Not since the first books I read of Ted Dekker and Eric Wilson have I become so enamored with a story. The theme is so redemptive, the plot so engrossing, the characters so palpable. It was as if I was right there in the lives of the characters, mourning with tears and rejoicing with shouts right along with them. Creston Mapes is an author to watch, and by all means, to read. Do not miss this book!
Also check out the sequel, Full Tilt.

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