In Deadly Exposure, Cara Putman’s debut romantic suspense novel from Love Inspired, the reader is pulled into the action from the first pages. With a murder occurring during the performance of the musical Cats, the hunt is on for the killer who committed the crime and stole away before intermission.
Dani Richards is determined to cover the story for Channel 17 but finds it may be difficult. Much to her dismay, the lead investigator from the police department is her old flame Caleb Jamison. Added to her concern is the fact that she has a secret she’s hidden from Caleb for ten years.
When Dani finds herself the target of a stalker with murder on his mind, she discovers a renewal of faith as she decides whether to live in the past or face the future. Together Dani and Caleb must put aside their guilt and regrets as they move toward a confrontation that will keep the reader turning the pages to see the final resolution.
Cara Putman who has previously written historical romance has proven she can make the transition to a new genre and do it well. The suspenseful plot will entertain those who read for the mystery in a story, and the romance will satisfy those who want Dani and Caleb to rediscover the love they once had.
Deadly Exposure, releasing from Love Inspired in May, 2008, is a must-read for those who enjoy romance combined with mystery and suspense. Fans of Cara Putman will be left wondering when her next offering will be forthcoming. Hopefully, it won’t be too far in the future.
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