I really love the depth of development for the characters in this story. Their backgrounds and personalities are so clear and easy to relate to. The main characters have a deep belief in God which I thoroughly enjoyed. At the same time they do at times question their understanding of what is going on and why God is allowing it. This is just part of human nature in my mind and it makes the story more realistic.
This is a time period that I haven’t read very many books set in so I did have to take my time to understand some of the terms and words used. I did find it very interesting to take some time in a new era for me.
The scene was set beautifully from the very beginning of the book and then the mystery slowly developed. As Drew and his friends tried to unravel what was going on and who was behind it there were a lot of fascinating twists and turns. It really kept me guessing right up to the end of the book.
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