But before a whole lot of cleaning goes on, Holly Wood, who is in all respects a superstar diva and the headliner for the theater, is found murdered in her dressing room. Jenna can’t keep her nose out of the murder mystery and soon finds herself knee, make that hip deep in a list of possible suspects. Yes, Holly Wood was difficult to be around and there were many close to her who might want to end their suffering by ending Holly’s life that Jenna has her work cut out for her if she plans to find the killer.
Drop Dead Diva is a fast moving mystery peppered with colorful characters. And there is none more colorful that Jenna. I absolutely adore Jenna’s witty quips and interesting takes on the events happening around her. I admire her determination in the face of difficult odds to keep after the mystery until it’s solved.
And speaking of solving, the killers identity is well concealed even though we have wonderful clues along the way to help us out. I hadn’t a clue who the real killer was until he/she was revealed near the end and isn’t that was a good mystery is all about?
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