The story holds two major storylines, seeming unrelated at first but brought together as the story unfolds. The first plot line opens with Judas Iscariot ending his life and his blood seeping into burial graves. Fast forward to 1989 where the site is excavated and the souls, The Collectors, are freed to wander among the living. But these Collectors are not the only immortals wandering the earth. They are accompanied by thirty eight individuals, the Nistarim, who were marked by God to protect the human race. The Nistarim hunt the Collectors and vice versa.
The second storyline revolves around a Romania girl, Gina Lazarescu who at first is unaware she is being hunted by the undead. She is whisked to America by her mother to keep her safe as she grows up. As Gina becomes suspicious of her mysterious past, she shoots to center stage in the war between good and evil, transforming the book into a nonstop page turner.
I have chosen Field of Blood as our book of the month for December for the originality of plot, the extensive research, the spiritual message, Wilson’s fine prose, and Wilson’s willingness to take on a topic that Christians will surely talk about for years to come.
I am unabashedly an Eric Wilson fan and have loved all of his previous works. When he announced the upcoming Undead Trilogy, I blinked a few times, and sighed. Why Eric, why? Why mess with what I have enjoyed reading for years? I am not a huge supernatural/speculative fiction reader, and definitely not a gothic vampire novel lover, so when the book arrived, I began to read simply because Wilson had earned my respect as a writer and captured my joy of reading as a reader.
With an open mind ?, I delved into the book and was pleasantly surprised that the story was not at all what I expected. It was so much more and it held Wilson’s signature writing with flawed characters and a strong message without preaching. Sure, the book is dark, but it is written with enough realism to make the reader think it could really happen, and Wilson’s humor helps to lighten the mood.
So put aside your preconceived notions, put aside your distaste for supernatural books, and embrace Field of Blood. You will be glad you did and will eagerly await book two, Haunt of Jackals.
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