I’m quite familiar with Brandilyn Collins’ books (I think I’ve read every suspense book she’s published so far) and she is one of my favorite authors! Gone to Ground might just be my favorite of hers to date! I absolutely loved it!!
The way the chapters were set up was great! They were written in first person, but the POV went back-and-forth between Cherrie Mae, Tully, and Deena. Also, every once in a while, there was an excerpt from The Jackson Bugle.
Gone to Ground was a great mystery – it kept me guessing! It wasn’t until the last moment that I guessed who “The Closet Killer” was and even then there were some twists left.
I can only think of one thing I didn’t like in Gone to Ground – how it portrayed God talking to Cherrie Mae. Other than that, I completely loved this book and it is one of my favorite books now.
If you are looking for a great mystery novel, you should definitely try Gone to Ground. I think you’ll have a hard time guessing what happens. 🙂
I’m an avid reader who loves books that keep me glued to the page, anticipating what is going to happen next, and suspense books definitely give me that!

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