This book begins with joy and with life. Havah, Adam’s chosen name for Eve, is born, full grown, in the opening pages. God has given her life, He has given her a husband, Adam, and He has given her the Garden. Together these two learn about themselves and learn about the new world that Havah now lives in. For all the pleasure and joy of this new life there is also a danger for the serpent comes to visit and to talk and his words are deadly while seemingly innocent. And one day he convinces Havah to eat of the tree which was forbidden to eat from and she convinces Adam to eat and the curse comes upon them. God had told them that the day they eat of the fruit they would surely die, not a physical death, but a spiritual death. And they do. So when God comes to visit with them in the late afternoon they hide from Him. And this rebellion or Sin causes their removal from the Garden and into a different life than what they had known. And while they cannot return ever to the Garden there is a promise that her seed will crush the head of the serpent.
The opening of Genesis is a story that practically everyone knows whether they believe it or not. We know the story of Cain and his brother, Abel, and that one day Cain kills Abel crushing the dream of their mother that one of these two boys was the deliverer. We have never heard the story like this. Not only is this a first person narrative but it is a woman’s point of view. Softer, emotional, everything is clearly defined and talked through.
“Havah The Story Of Eve” is a lyrical book, not poetry, not music but it captures you much the same way that we are captured when listening to a great musical concert. We are transported to the place where the composer wanted to take us and we do not leave there until the music is finished. That is the way Ms. Lee transports us to the world of Havah and we do not leave until the final page and to her credit we find that we do not want to. There is sadness in this book and rightly so but there is also hope. I recommend this book.
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nominee, and Christy award finalist. Her eagerly-awaited second novel, Havah: The Story of Eve,
released October 2008 to high praise, including a starred review from Publishers Weekly. …
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