The other main character, Ryan Morgan, has grown very close to the Lord since the last time he saw Mia, when they were high school sweethearts. Ten years later, he has a close relationship with the Lord, and wants to share that love of God with everyone with whom he encounters. That is a very attractive quality in a man, and Mia notices! Here is an example of a prayer that Ryan offers up to God for Mia:
Lord, please keep Mia safe. And if it is your will, let her see my sincere desire to apologize for how I hurt her and help her to forgive me for what I did. (p. 13)
Here is Mia’s interpretation of God:
Please, I can’t handle this right now. Coming back here is all I can manage. This is too much.
Why was she calling out to God? He’d never helped before. No-she was on her own again the way God seemed to like it. Well, she wouldn’t just lie down and die. (p. 17)
Ryan explained to Mia how he views God’s place in our lives:
“…God has a perfect understanding of what’s good for us so He knows what to allow. We, on the other hand, don’t have a clue what’s in our best interest, just what our feelings feel us we want.” He paused as if waiting for her to stop him, but she was actually interested in hearing a logical explanation.”
“I’m listening.”
“One of my favorite verses in the Bible is in Proverbs. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. If you can trust that everything will ultimately be good for you and not let your feelings color a situation, life will be a lot simpler. Letting God be in charge of my life makr the living so much easier.”
“But I like to be in charge so people can’t step all over me ever again.” The vehemence in her tone shocked her. Was she that bitter about her past?
His lips tipped in a gentle smile meant to comfort. “And how’s that working for you? Are you happy? Everything going your way?” (p. 158)
This book is fast paced and full of action. There is also some romance included! And most importantly, God is glorified in word and deed. I was really satisfied with how the story ended. I commend Susan on her effort, and urge readers to read this one!
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