This opening is an endearing scene that ends with August suspecting the book is not a copy but the twelfth century original. The realization is not hard to reach when a school security guard is murdered and members of the secret society, the Black Vehm try to run down August and Charlie to steal the book. This is the first of many chases through the streets to capture not only Charlie and August, but August’s ex-wife April and his father as well. Couple this action with Nazi secrets buried in the Antarctic ice, a family effort to solve a hidden puzzle, and you have a larger than life thriller. I have specifically withheld more details to keep from spoiling the plot for you.
Like Illuminated, House of Wolves is a fast moving read. But in House of Wolves, Bronleewe has fleshed out his main characters, and I found the family dynamics irresistible. The chemistry between father and son is engaging and charming, and of course, we read eagerly to see if August and April will ever get back together.
The writing is crisp with unique descriptions. The many action scenes are tight and fast moving, keeping the story racing forward. Bronleewe’s historical details are very complete and proof of his tireless research.
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Bronleewe’s breakthrough to success in the literary world found his first novel, Illuminated hailed by critics as “a riveting debut” for its suspense laden intrigue and the Indiana Jones style adventure surrounding a complex and dangerous race against time to decode the illustrations within the Gutenberg Bible. …
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