“Less Than Dead” a construction worker uncovers a grave that holds a bonus…an extra dead body. That perks up the interest of the local authorities. When a SECOND double grave turns up, that grabs the interest of the FBI.
That’s when Nick gets called in. To fans, he’s known as the “Bug Man”-the literary version of a CSI. A forensic entomologist-searching for the bugs who’ll lead him to the dead, and help him find out how they died.
But in “Less Than Dead”, Endor holds more than double graves-it’s also the place where the witch lives. The what?? A young woman in seclusion on a hill, who talks with dogs and only comes out at night…is she truly a witch?
Leave it to Nick to get to the bottom of this mystery, as well as find the answers to:
Who hid these bodies in the graveyard? How many of them will Nick and his team find? Can the discover the identity of the killer-will the dead give up their secrets to Dr. Polchak?
Tim Downs writes about the most gruesome of the forensic sciences with style and finesse. His eccentric Dr. Polchak is so easy to love and hate at the same time, and the character’s sense of comic sarcasm is finely honed in this latest installment of the “Bug Man” books.
You know it’s going to be a good story by Tim Downs when you can’t read it while you’re eating! Filled with details of cadaver dogs and their training, this may be the most ‘delicious’ excursion with Dr. Polchak yet!
I’m giving “Less Than Dead” five out of five bookmarks, with a white towel in a plastic bag for a charm. Pick up your copy and find out why fans are eager for more of their beloved bug-eyed “Bug Man”!
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