Now, far from God and unable to find any way to redeem himself, the fallen angel – now a demon – is under Lucifer’s reign. The demon finds his place in Lucifer’s court and becomes a “watcher” – watching Earth and reporting back to Lucifer.
As he watches, he sees Earth transformed from a barren wasteland to a planet full of life – the planet as it was when the Garden of Eden was created upon it. He sees Adam and Eve formed, watches as they are tempted and led into sin by Lucifer – via the snake – and then as they are cast out from the garden.
Lucifer’s Flood gives us a glimpse into the “goings-on” from the time of Lucifer’s fall through the birth of Moses. Although it’s fiction, there is an exploration of theological thinking on subjects like the origin of the Nephilim (Genesis 6) and whether or not Earth existed before the creation acts found in the book of Genesis (the Gap Theory).
It was an incredibly interesting read and kept me turning the pages. I was intrigued by Brook’s ideas of what the demons may have thought about happenings on Earth and what our lives might look like to them. It reminded me that as humans, we are so limited. While tend to focus on the temporal and the physical, in the spiritual realm time and physical limitations are very different.
This book challenged my thinking about the demonic and made me think about the spiritual realm in a way I hadn’t before. It is, of course, very important to remember that Lucifer’s Flood is a work of fiction. However, it’s a fantastic look at how things might have happened, what they might have looked like from a fallen angel’s point of view. I’m looking forward to the next installment, The Deliverer!
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