I enjoyed my second visit to Hidden Springs, Kentucky. The cast of characters is just as quirky as they were in book one. They seem to have all recovered from last year’s crazy mystery. Michael especially has been able to get over the shock and settle back into his small town life and police work. I really like how down-to-earth Aunt Lindy is. She is doing her best to help keep Michael grounded and mindful of the need to pray.
Once again though Michael is thrust into the middle of a very puzzling case and needs the help of his friends and neighbors to sort things out. This time he has to also cooperate with the police detectives from Eagleton, the larger city nearby.
There are a lot of incredible twists and turns. As soon as I felt that I was starting to understand what was happening another clue was dumped on me and I was again trying to figure out how everything fit together.
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