But it’s not only Bell’s exterior that Jazz takes a fancy to. Wanting her skills and training as a psychologist, Jazz hires Bell to help him solve the murder case. This, of course, sets the scene for the couple to spend plenty of time together and leads us into the frightening world of cults. I’ll stop here with the plot as I don’t want to be a spoiler, but rest assured the remaining plot points make the book well worth the read.
Though many suspense books are driven by their plot, and this one is not weak in that area by any means, it is the characters, vividly and clearly drawn through their dialogue and interactions that keep you reading long into the night. Witty, sassy, straightforward diva, Amanda Bell Brown comes to life in the book. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book where the main character’s voice really cemented the character in my mind without any physical description. And, here’s the bonus. Not only does Bell live large in this book, she is joined with her fellow cast mates, each leaping onto the page with their dialogue and relationships.
Murder, Mayhem, and A Fine Man, is the first in the Amanda Bell Brown Mystery series with to Death, Deceit, and Some Smooth Jazz be released in April. Be quick now, pick up Murder, Mayhem, and A Fine Man, so you can savor each fabulous page before Death, Deceit, and Some Smooth Jazz is released.
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