Nightmare City was a very different read. I loved the writing style – when I was reading, the pages just flew by. Part of the story reminded me a little of Tom Pawlik’s adult speculative book, Vanish, but only certain aspects and the two stories are not similar.
While I didn’t particularly love any of the characters, I did like Tom and enjoyed reading his story and the things that happened to him. The one word that comes to mind when thinking of the story is weird – not weird in a bad way, but a good way. There were just so many parts to Nightmare City that were different from other books I’ve read!
There were some scenes in Nightmare City that were really suspenseful and I loved those! I also loved the last part of this book and how it was possible to guess who the villain was, but I didn’t guess it.
All in all, Nightmare City was a really good read that I think teens (and adults!) who enjoy action/adventure novels with some supernatural/weirdness will enjoy. I recommend it!
I’m an avid reader who loves books that keep me glued to the page, anticipating what is going to happen next, and suspense books definitely give me that!

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