…I don’t think I could take the suspense!
“Offworld” has four of our finest astronauts on an expedition to Mars…everything seems to go according to plan…until their return to Earth.
The four return to a planet void of life…people, animals…gone. Slightly reminiscent of “Planet of the Apes”, with no apes!
Where did everyone go? Who could be behind a mass evacuation, extermination, or execution of the human race…and the animal population? Are these four the last of our kind…
…or are there still others?
With cunning, cleverness and wit, Robin Parrish has created another novel of fantasy that will require your imagination to stretch to near impossible lengths, then come back again. In the end, it all makes sense…but the ride to the end is one you won’t want to miss.
I’ve found another author that is ‘must read’ for My Bookshelf…check him out and see if he doesn’t end up on yours as well! I’m giving “Offworld” five out of five bookmarks, with a ‘green’ flashlight…runs off of solar power to help you navigate those dark corners.
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