Jeff Nesbit in his new book, “Oil” Book Two in the Principalities and Powers series published by Guideposts gives us another adventure with Nash Lee.
From the back cover: Global powers race to exploit the chaos that has erupted overnight.
Terrorist attacks against three of the world’s largest oil fields in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Iraq threaten to cripple the fragile global economy. Clues link to a rogue, nuclear-armed country and a radical Sunni group, but not all are convinced they’re the perpetrators. Who had something to gain? All roads seem to lead to Israel, where Russia and America are locked in a titanic struggle over Israel’s large, underdeveloped oil shale reserves.
Nash Lee, entrepreneur of an online global network, is thrust into the tumultuous politics of the powerful Saudi kingdom when he uncovers information about a deadly plot to spark dissension among the Arab nation-states. As the Arab Spring revolts push the entire planet to the brink of war, news of the emergence of the Twelfth Imam changes everything.
Plunge into the heart of the oil conflicts that pit nation against nation in the Middle East–and threaten to alter the balance of power forever.
Buckle up for another wild ride with Nash Lee as, this time, his adventures take us to the Middle East. Nash now has to deal with the heads of government to stave off a global financial crisis over the oil and prevent nuclear war. Mr. Nesbit is brilliant is defining his characters and the more defined they are the more we like them and the more we like them the more we identify with what they are doing. Once the action gets going Mr. Nesbit revs up the thriller quotient considerably which will have you reading and flipping pages as fast as you can. This book is a suspense thriller as Nash’s life is in serious danger practically from the beginning. Don’t start this book late at night because it will be very difficult to put it down or stop thinking about it. I recommend this book highly and am greatly looking forward to the next book in the series.
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