Eric Wilson never just writes a book. His stories are always rife with meaning, linked with each other somehow, and always compelling.
Bret and Sarah Vreeland have a great marriage and family, but their world is being torn apart by the stress of their financial situation. Even good jobs and a good church family can only go so far in helping them manage. Something’s gotta give, but they have nothing left to give. Add to that Sarah’s continuing grief over a lost fiancé and Bret’s strained relationship with his dad, and you have a recipe for disaster.
You’d think the Vreelands have enough on their plates, but the evil one is looking for someone to test. Like in the Book of Job, Satan seeks to pull the creation away from the Creator; however his time, he wants to do it through blessing instead of loss. What will the couple do with more money than they ever dreamed? Will they turn their backs on God and instead rely on themselves? This is what the reader will find out when Sarah unexpectedly inherits an estate worth six million dollars.
As one could guess, the money brings troubles of its own. But Bret and Sarah couldn’t have imagined having to deal with an unknown stalker who will ultimately threaten their very lives.
Wilson has long been an author to be watched. His trademark contemporary suspense with historical links and supernatural underpinnings are genius and highly underrated in the fiction world. With One Step away he has created a lightning-paced drama both suspenseful and emotive. Fans of fireproof, Flywheel, and Facing the Giants will appreciate the treatment of the Vreeland family’s plight and how they handle themselves in the midst of trial. Fans of the Jerusalem’s Undead and Aramis Black series will enjoy the danger, mystery, and surprises along the way.
I highly recommend this book and hope there are many others like it to come.
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