From the back cover: “The framers of our Constitution meant we were to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.” –Reverend Billy Graham
The Question Is Not If Attempts Will Be Made
to Limit Religious Freedoms, But When.
And When That Day Comes, Will You Stay Silent?
A storm is coming.
The most popular evangelist of his day, John Luther, simply wants to share the Gospel and enjoy a quiet life with his family. He never asked to be at the center of a political controversy, but an ill wind has been blowing through the halls of Congress, and supporters of a new religious-equality bill see Luther’s endorsement as critical.
But when Luther refuses to lend his support, he unknowingly sets in motion an explosive plan bent on destroying his reputation and undermining everything for which he stands. His once-normal life is turned upside down as he becomes a fugitive left with only one dangerous option–putting everything he holds most dear at risk while he fights to expose the truth. It is a mission that brings him face-to-face with the coming storm of persecution that could threaten the very fabric of our nation’s freedoms.
First off I should tell you, you have to go and see this movie. Now that I have said that you are probably wondering if you are going to see the movie why should you have to read the book? Good question. The answer is Mr. Parrish has not just taken the screenplay and typed it up so that it reads like a book. Oh no. What he has done is taken all the characters and fleshed them out making them more human, both good and bad. He has taken the scenes and situations and expanded upon them so that there is much more to the book than the movie could provide for us. If I tell you anything more I will spoil the dynamics of this book. “Persecuted” is so perfectly crafted that it is designed to be devoured and enjoyed by the reader so when you reach the end there is a very satisfied sigh of enjoyment and relief. Don’t start this book late at night because it will be very difficult to put it down or stop thinking about it. I recommend this book highly. It delivers lots of action, suspense and thrills and brings you to a very satisfying conclusion.
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