I’ve read all of the Patrick Bowers’ books to date (and enjoyed every one), so I was super excited to read Steven James’ new book, Placebo, which is the beginning to a new series! I really liked how this book wasn’t as gruesome as the Patrick Bowers’ books (at least in my opinion), but was still suspenseful (especially towards the end).
Placebo was different from what I was expecting, but still really good. It had a unique storyline and definitely made me learn about things I hadn’t even heard of before this book. One of the only negatives for me was some of the medical terms in the early part of this book – I found myself having a hard time understanding what was being talked about (this may have only been a problem for me).
I loved the characters – both the main and secondary ones. I think my favorite would probably have to be Xavier; I don’t know what exactly it was about him (maybe how he believed in so many conspiracies…), I just found many things about him humorous. 🙂
Overall, Placebo was a great read that had some creepiness and suspense, plus some thought-provoking moments. I really enjoyed it and look forward to book two, Singularity, which is set to release Fall 2013. If you enjoy suspense/thrillers with some medical elements, then I think you’ll enjoy Placebo.
I’m an avid reader who loves books that keep me glued to the page, anticipating what is going to happen next, and suspense books definitely give me that!

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