Camden Bristow is a free-lance photographer. Except, in today’s economy, the magazine who recently hired her has gone bankrupt, and now Camden is jobless, homeless, and broke. With no where to go, and no one to turn to, Camden decides to visit the grandmother she hasn’t seen in years. However, when Camden arrives, she discovers her grandmother has died—but she left Camden the estate on Crescent Hill.
Camden is thrilled to have someplace to live, but when she finds evidence she’s not the only occupant of the mansion, Camden remembers her grandmother talking about secret passageways and runaway slaves. But what really happened at Camden Hill? Where can she find answers?
When Alex Yates offers his help, she works to uncover the past and present mysteries. But the deep family secrets buried within the mansion’s walls could change her life—and the entire town—forever.
REFUGE ON CRESCENT HILL starts out really slow and it took awhile for me to get into it. I understand that Ms. Dobson had to set the stage for Camden to get to where she needed to be, but it did drag down the beginning of the book. Once Camden got to Crescent Hill the story picks up considerably.
I was glad there was a bit of a romance in the pages of this book, and a story set in a mansion with secret passageways was really fun. If you are looking for a unique suspense, then REFUGE ON CRESCENT HILL is a good book to consider.
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