As is true of any other Dekker book, little can be told without revealing an interesting plot point. No spoilers here. Just know that you will be taken on a ride that slams you one way, then another until you relinquish your preconceived notions and succumb to the story. And it’s not only Carl’s story, it’s ours.
Story is what Dekker does best. This one will not disappoint. In fact, those who have read Showdown will be jazzed to see the many correlations to Saint. And in the midst of it all, Dekker weaves in a parallel to life that will stalk you until you deal with it. Prepare for your brain to be rocked, your emotions to be squeezed, and your soul to be stirred.
This comes most highly recommended. It is hands down the best novel I read in 2006. Dekker admittedly pushes the envelope with every new novel, but I disagree with those who say his works are too violent or over the top. He deftly deals with weighty themes in original ways. Saint is a must-read.

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