Clint Kelly pens an intriguing tale of romance, danger, and conspiracy with the allure of an extravagant new perfume that excites the senses almost hypnotically. When Nick travels into the hidden recesses of the dense, steamy rain forest in search of the elusive key to business fortune, Waronai tribesmen and their Chief meet him in a dreamlike glade-and the narrative begins.
The story is presented from several points of view with frequent plot changes between Nick’s jungle adventures and Cassandra’s scheming to keep their struggling company solvent. The thread that binds the story together is their overpowering love and concern for each other.
An impish family priest with a finely tuned sense of humor adds a realistic spiritual aspect. With subtle humor and not-so-subtle questions, he examines whether the Dixon’s left God behind in their pursuit of financial gain.
This simple question weaves through this complex romantic novel. While Nick is out of the country, Cassandra must confront their competitor, also Nick’s former mistress, in her attempt to takeover Azure World in Nick’s absence. When Cassandra’s safety is threatened at home from an armed intruder, Cassandra decides to sell the company even though Nick hasn’t returned. Meanwhile, Nick fights his way out of the jungle against natives and animals incurring injuries. However, he returns with the mysterious prize in his backpack.
Scent, first in a new series for Kelly, doesn’t disappoint. However, in my opinion, he’s stretched the business credibility within the plot. Even so, he’s penned a page-turner, one with a vein of subtle humor that leaves the reader wanting more. Don’t miss this one.
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