Imagine, receiving advance warning that another person will die unless you intervene. A horrible situation to find yourself in. Right? Not horrible enough for author Mike Dellosso who continually ups the ante for Stone as the book unfolds. When he hears the screams during a phone conversation with his estranged wife, Mark must act fast. But can he save her from the screams? Or will she, too die? And why is he the one hearing the screams? What do they mean?
That’s all I’m telling you about the plot. I don’t want to spoil the incredible ride you will take when you read Scream. Warning! Read Scream with the lights on. Better yet, during daylight hours. Dellosso’s depiction of hell is so real it rises up from the Screams, reaches out, and grabs hold, convincing you of the very brutal price exacted for a life lived without Jesus.
Mike Dellosso, an astonishing new voice in supernatural thrillers, cements his right to be grouped with the likes of King and Peretti with this relentless new thriller. Dellosso’s sophomore effort is packed with wonderfully flawed characters, a very creative plot, and a strong spiritual message. Scream is one of those books that stays with you long after you’ve put it down. Not only for the excellent writing that we’ve come to expect from Dellosso, but also for the incredible message he weaves into the story.
Even if you don’t read supernatural suspense, you need to read Scream. You won’t be sorry you did.
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