Have you ever had one of those days? Days where not only is nothing going right . . . but where everything is going wrong, as well? Meet Dr. Matt Newman. He’s having one of those days. Unfortunately for him, it just doesn’t seem to end.
Someone wants him dead. Someone wants him framed, convicted, and put away for life on murder charges. Someone else has just booted him out of her life. Matt just wants to get on with his life. But even his own body won’t let him get away with that.
On the plus side, Matt has a missionary brother who is interceding on his behalf, and a fiery, red-headed lawyer who chose her faith over the world.
But with the police convinced he’s a killer and the kidnappers still trying to finish what they started, finding the truth – and the faith to keep going – will be the toughest stress test Matt has ever endured.
Dr. Mabry is one of my favorite physicians . . . I mean authors. Maybe, just maybe . . . I mean both! He has the unique ability to take the world of medicine – the good, the bad and the ugly – and make it understandable to the man on the street. Really understandable. And he doesn’t need three pages of confusing (sometimes terrifying) medicalese to do so. In STRESS TEST, Dr. Mabry skillfully weaves together the story of – well, life. Because life happens, and when it does, it’s not pretty. But underlying Matt’s story is The Story that explains everything. STRESS TEST is one that will keep you up nights. You won’t just want to find out “whodunit,” you’ll want to find out why it all happened in the first place. And the answers may very well keep you up for many nights afterward.
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