The suspense story in this novel is a stand-alone plot line. One of the main characters does carry over from the previous books. The main characters from the earlier books in the series do make appearances and there are details of their lives that are caught up. That said you get to decide if you want to treat it as part of a “true” series or not.
I absolutely love both of the main characters in this book. Their individual life stories are slowly revealed and really explain their hang-ups and doubts. They both have trouble trusting others and yet they are thrust into a situation after situation where they have to trust each other even though they have just met. Danger stalks them around every corner. They both had deep seated fears that they had to face and overcome. It was wonderful to watch their struggles and learn to trust.
The plot is incredible at keeping the reader focused and turning the pages. I knew all along that something major had happened before the start of the book and I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied until I knew exactly what it was. Before the revelation of it there was a major shift that I wasn’t expecting. I loved it though.
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