After reading Solitary (really liked it) and Gravestone (loved it) plus the short B-Side story to the series Thrasher wrote, Something I Can Never Have, I was anticipating Temptation very much!
The prologue was great and grabbed my attention. I loved how it showed a little of what was to come at the end of the story, but without giving away key things.
I got a little annoyed with Chris in Temptation – mainly during the first half of the book. I just didn’t really care for the girl craziness and I ended up putting the book aside for a while because of that. I did, however, end up liking him again during the last half – especially near the end.
I didn’t like when Chris seemed so preoccupied by Lily and the possibility of “being together”. I know he wasn’t a Christian yet, but I just didn’t care for that aspect of the story. Also, there is a cuss word in the book. If you’re someone who doesn’t care for these types of things, you’ll now be prepared.
I liked the supernatural elements in Temptation. While I did get some answers to what is going on in this book, I still have some questions and can hardly wait to read Hurt and find out how things will turn out for Chris.
Overall, Temptation was a good read. The first half was okay, but that last half was great! Should you decide to read it, you should definitely read Solitary and Gravestone first as this series is best read in order.
I’m an avid reader who loves books that keep me glued to the page, anticipating what is going to happen next, and suspense books definitely give me that!

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