The Bishop explored some thought-provoking issues and made me think deeper about things, which I really liked. I think this might be my favorite book, so far, in my reread of the series. The first time I read this series, I would have said The Knight or The Queen was my favorite book, but this second time around, I just really loved this story because of how intricate it was!
All in all, another fantastic thriller. I loved this book and definitely recommend it if you enjoy books that keep you guessing. I think the back of the book describes this book perfectly — “The Bishop is a gripping, adrenaline-laced story for readers who are tired of timid thrillers. Strap on your seat belt and get ready for a wild ride.”
I’m an avid reader who loves books that keep me glued to the page, anticipating what is going to happen next, and suspense books definitely give me that!

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