Spanning multiple generations, “The Curse” tells the tale of the Jakes family. Pioneers in 1850, Katie is young, innocent and hating the wagon train west. When her parents finally find the land they’ve been searching for, she’s hopeful a young man lives in the region.
Times passes by…families move in…territory grows. The Doucet family strikes caution in young Katie’s heart. Especially when John Jakes comes courting her. What exactly do the Doucet’s believe in? Katie knows it isn’t God…but what, she doesn’t know.
Evil lurks in the heart of the Doucet family…and lingers over the land. What havoc will it bring generations later to Rebecca Jakes-Lindsay. Trying desperately to have a child with her husband, Rebecca is devastated when her beloved aunt passes away.
Her inheritance may be the key to unlocking all of life’s mysteries for her…but will it drive a wedge between Rebecca and Brad? Can the curse be broken, or will it follow the Jakes family forever?
This is powerful storytelling at its finest. The generational tale is carefully woven, with loose threads that, when pulled, seem to knot up and bind you to the pages. Soon you are a part of this story, realizing the difference between faith in God and faith in something far less than God…
…yet powerful enough to cause one to think. Whom will you serve, and what will it determine for your life? Michael Todd Barrett has hit it out of the park of suspense in his debut. I’m looking forward to what he has next!
“The Curse” gets five out of five bookmarks from me, with a vote for Best Debut Suspense in 2009! I know it’s early in the year…but I don’t see it getting much better than this.
“The Curse” is available from Winepress Publishing. Don’t miss it!
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