The Next Target was a really suspenseful and intriguing read. There were a few things I personally didn’t like (i.e. Jesus appearing in Fatima’s dream, Austia getting the response “Trust Me” when she was praying, etc.), but other than that, I really enjoyed it!
At first, I wasn’t sure what to think about Zaki (whether to like his character or not), but as the story progressed, I found myself liking him more and more – he may even have been my favorite character in The Next Target.
While there wasn’t much mystery (it was pretty much known who the “bad” guy was), there were a few tiny twists/surprises that I liked along with the little bit of romance.
It isn’t really a surprise to me that I enjoyed this novel, I’ve enjoyed other books that are slightly similar to The Next Target (having to do with terrorists, etc.). One other thing I really liked was how I got to know the Muslim religion and some of their customs a little bit better.
The Next Target was a great read and I recommend it if you like suspense books or books that deal with terrorism.
I’m an avid reader who loves books that keep me glued to the page, anticipating what is going to happen next, and suspense books definitely give me that!

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