Raleigh is told to go in, discover that no one is willing to talk, write up her report and get it over with fast. They don’t care if it’s the truth or not, but something has to be done since it’s racially dividing the city.
Raleigh works her connection with the powerful members of the city, as well as the improvised underbelly, and finds that as predicted, no one will talk. Racial unrest is growing and could rage out of control. Will Raleigh be able to discover the truth?
THE STONES CRY OUT is a debut novel by skilled author Sibella Giorello. The book is very tightly written, in fact, I thought the author would be male as the writing is “Just the facts, ma’am.” No rabbit trails existed in this book. Written in first person, it took me a long time to figure out the main character’s name.
The heroine is a Christian, but she is very low key, partnered with a man who wants nothing to do with Christianity. I enjoyed one of the secondary characters who was very straight-forward and open with her faith, not caring who it offended.
THE STONES CRY OUT is stellar and I completely enjoyed the book, the story, the setting, and the outcome. I hope to read more from this talented newcomer to publishing.
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