Dismantled centuries ago, the sword of Goliath is still rumored to thirst for its enemies’ blood. Cole “Tox” Russell only wants to begin his life with Haven Cortes, but he must first complete a final mission: retrieve that sword and destroy the deadly Arrow & Flame Order.
The AFO, however, is determined to claim the sword. Wielding their father’s life over Tzivia and Ram Khalon, they threaten to expose Ram’s long-held and dangerous secret while demanding Tzivia locate the sword. With the Wraith team slowly being torn apart, things only worsen when Mercy Maddox, a new operative, emerges with the stunning news that the sword is tied to both Ram’s secret and a string of unsolved serial murders.
Tox, Ram, and the others are forced to set aside fear and anger to focus only on the enemy. No matter the cost, Wraith must stop or take the enemy down with them.
My take :This is book three in the Tox Files series, (four, if you count the prequel). I would suggest reading them all, and in order, to understand everything that goes on in each book. Warrior’s Seal, Conspiracy of Silence, Crown of Souls and then this one, Thirst of Steel. The entire series focus on a group of soldiers with their leader being “Tox” Cole Russell. Each character has their own personality type and really play a very important role in their missions. This series is not an easy read, you will need to focus on what is going on and will probably still get a bit lost, but it will all start making more sense eventually, and be an amazing adventure.
Ronnie Kendig always does such a great job at keeping the suspense, action and drama all at the forefront. I love books about our special forces, military, police force and such, and hers are some of my favorite.
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