I just finished reading Thread of Suspicion, the fourth book in the Justice Agency by Susan Sleeman. This one is definitely my favorite. Not because the writing is better than the other three (all four are terrific reads), but because now I’ve had three books ahead of this one to introduce me to and keep me learning about the sibling group. I love reading books that continue where you’ve left off, while still giving me a complete story so when I flip over the back cover, I am satisfied, yet wanting more.
As always, Ms. Sleeman starts this book with adventure which continues throughout the entire book. There is mystery, intrigue, romance, and even a little bit of humor here and there to lighten up the tension and suspense. There are definite Christian themes to get me thinking on a deeper level about my own spiritual growth as well as the growth of the characters.
I had already fallen in love with Dani and was so happy to learn more about her in this novel, but I have to say, I readily fell in love with Luke too. Ms. Sleeman paints such a detailed description of him, I honestly feel as though I could see him tangibly instead of just reading about him. And, I’m completely captivated by Derrick, Cole, and Ethan already but loved continuing where we left off with them as well. Of all the siblings, I think Kat is still my favorite and the way she and Mitch interact with each other is so fun-loving and sweet despite their tough occupations. There was one part in particular where the wives of Cole and Ethan speak up that not only had me laughing, but I could picture a genuine family having that conversation. And the best part? I wanted to be included in that family.
I love how Ms. Sleeman blends the perfect amount of suspense, without nightmares emerging, with romance and life lessons to create a terrific read. Every time I see her name, I’m excited to read what’s between the pages because I know not only will be I entertained, but I’ll be challenged on a spiritual level as well.
I’m looking forward to the next book in the series with mixed emotions. It’s the last one so it will be sad to know I’ve reached the end, but I’m anxious to hear about Derrick’s adventures and to continue to read about the siblings I’ve grown to love.
Thanks to guest reviewer Cheri Swalwell for her review of Thread of Suspicion.

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