Simon Orwell is a brilliant student whose life has taken a series of wrong turns. At the point of giving up on his dreams, he gets a call from an old professor who has discovered a breakthrough in a device that would create unlimited energy.
With his masterful style fully displayed, and his ability to apply a lesson on several levels, Davis Bunn once again invites you – no, drags you – into another life-altering saga.
The world has always been searching for the unlimited – unlimited wealth, unlimited power, unlimited passion, unlimited health. But they’ve been looking for the unlimited in all the wrong places. While struggling to provide unlimited electricity to an orphanage in Mexico, Simon discovers the Source of the unlimited life.
Riddled with twists and turns, UNLIMITED demands your close attention. Because everything is not what it seems to be, and danger, suspense, intrigue – and even romance – await you upon every turn of the page.
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