The story begins in 1955 with a boy named Jesse, his friend Little Guy, Little Guy’s younger brother, and a young priest, Leo Ransom. Ransom is standing on the sidewalk in front of an apartment building when Little Guy’s three-year-old brother falls to his death from the tall apartment house roof. When Ransom sees Little Guy burst through the apartment house doors he runs to shield him from the horrific sight of the small bloodied body. But, Little Guy is inconsolable, unable to be comforted, and can’t accept the priest’s ambiguous answer to his one question-why. No one knew then how important that unanswered question would be.
When Wesley Bright, a media-savvy clergyman, became Archbishop of the Apostolic Church of God, his popularity and congregation rose with meteoric speed. While the Archbishop challenged the divinity of Christ, he favored Nietzsche theories, and asserted there was no absolute truth. Black and white thinking was outdated. He supported situation ethics, and eagerly challenged all conservative Christians to accept them. His pat answers and warm personality made him a frequent guest on radio and television shows.
When Paul Johnson, host of Target Zero, a popular talk radio show, asked Bright to debate The Shroud of Turin with noted Shroud expert, Jonathan Marley, the Archbishop accepted. He knew Emily, his research assistant would find overwhelming arguments to discount the relic so many revered. Add a mysterious girl named Hanna, and Teebo a double-amputee wartime veteran and the mystery and suspense begin.
Ewens’ facts about The Shroud of Turin are documented from current research and sophisticated modern forensics. She is a gifted writer with an entertaining writing style, and an astounding imagination. This book will surprise and delight, and if you’re like me, will leave you looking forward to her next book.
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