I was captured in the first chapter of this amazing book. Tom had lost everything, his father, his girlfriend, his job, and even his cat, everything he thought was important. As he goes back to his Georgia hometown to wrap up his father’s law business, he finds things he never expected to find and find trouble he never dreamed possible. His plans to quickly and easily close out his father’s practice was not to be. Money was found in a secret bank account and finding out the owner of the large amount was up to him. What secrets did his father have, and what would he find out as he investigated the mess he had to clean up.
I love Christian suspense and this one was especially thrilling with its legal content. The characters created by the author were so real and believable I lived the story right along with them, laughing, hurting, getting angry and all of the other emotions so perfectly written. I was on the edge of my seat throughout this entire book! I couldn’t put it down until I finished it! Robert Whitlow is a fairly new author for me and I will definitely look for his books from now on. I recommend this book to anyone liking suspense, mystery, thrillers; it is all here in Water’s Edge.
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