Everyone has a secret…
When forensic photographer Ainsley Duncan’s brother is arrested for murder, she works hard to exonerate him through her contacts, but nothing clears his name until she happens upon a long-buried secret involving Grady Houston—the Veritas Center’s ballistics, firearms, and explosives expert. Grady’s worked hard to keep this secret buried for years and doesn’t want it coming out, so he balks at her request to help find the real killer and free her brother.
But not all secrets lead to murder.
But when someone takes a dead center shot at Ainsley, Grady has no choice but to expose his past and let the consequences fall where they may. Even if he loses the job he loves and even if the woman who is capturing his heart wants nothing to do with him after she learns his secret. He won’t back down from helping Ainsley free her brother, and they find themselves in a race for their lives to solve the murder before the deadly killer strikes again.
My Take:
This is book five in the Truth Seekers series, however it is a stand alone novel. A lot of characters in this novel we have meet in Dead Ringer, Dead Silence, Dead End, Dead Heat or her Cold Harbor series, however you do not have to read those to enjoy this book at all, If you have read them you get to reconnect with some old “friends”. Sleeman always does a great job at writing suspenseful, mystery, police type of romance books.
Ainsley has a lot to learn about family. When her brother is in need of help from her, and her friends from work. Ainsley must learn to accept help from many sources. Grady and Ainsley have a great chemistry. This book is full of twist and turns, action, mystery and so much more.
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