Sandra Robbins interview with Susan Sleeman
June 04, 2008
Q: Let’s start by having you tell us a little bit about yourself. I’ve lived most of my life in Tennessee except for a few years in the early years of my marriage when my husband and I lived in Mississippi. I worked as a teacher and principal in the public schools, but now I write full time and work as an adjunct college professor. My husband and I have four children and five grandchildren. I have been an avid reader since I was a child. When I was growing up, we didn’t have a library or bookstore in my hometown. My father would drive to the next town to buy books for me. Nancy Drew was my favorite, and I dreamed about driving a blue roadster and solving crimes like Nancy did. As I became older, I graduated to other types of fiction, but I’ve never forgotten the thrill of losing myself in one of Nancy’s mysteries. My parents were both godly people and impressed on me the importance of putting my trust in the Lord. At an early age I gave my heart to Jesus, and I have tried to serve Him through the years. I’m sure I’ve disappointed Him at times, but He’s never deserted me. I’m active in my church where I play the organ and direct the handbell choir. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break and how you found out about the sale of Pedigreed Blood Lines? I’ve always had the dream of writing a book. One day it occurred to me that life was passing me by, and I hadn’t acted on my dream. So I began to plot a novel, and months later my first book, a historical romance, was completed. That book never has sold, but I did get an agent with it. One day I happened across the website of American Christian Romance Writers, and I liked what I read. I joined, and the group soon changed their names to American Christian Fiction Writers. At my first ACFW conference in Nashville I met some wonderful writers who offered me encouragement. One of them was Susan Downs. Some months later I found out that Susan had taken the job as editor for the new mystery line Heartsong Presents Mysteries that Barbour was developing. I researched the elements of a cozy mystery, began to develop characters and plot, and a few months later had a proposal ready to submit. The waiting after sending off a proposal is awful, as every writer knows. Several months went by, and I hadn’t heard anything. I was still a principal at the time. When I got to school one morning, I discovered that all the phones in the building were out due to some problems where the lines entered the school. In order to have a phone, I pulled my cell phone from my purse, which I never did during the school day, and put it on my desk. Right before lunch my cell phone rang, and it was Susan Downs calling to tell me she had accepted my manuscript. When the excitement wore off, I wondered how she had gotten that number. She had called a friend of mine in Texas to get it. I marveled again at how the Lord can take care of us even when it comes to getting a phone out that is never used during the day.
Pedigreed Blood Lines is the first in my Leigh Dennison Mystery series. It is releasing through Barbour’s Heartsong Presents Mysteries book club this month. It will be available later on Amazon and other sites for sale. It is a cozy mystery with a little romance thrown in. Every cozy has quirky characters that inhabit the page, and this one is no different. The heroine Leigh Dennison is a young woman who suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder but has the desire to solve mysteries. Q: The plot for Pedigreed Bloodlines revolves around dogs. Are you a dog lover and if you have a dog, tell us about him or her? Yes, I’m a dog lover. My husband and I have a Yorkshire terrier who is an important member of our family. Her name is Belle, and I’ve often thought that she has us trained well. There is nothing so heartwarming as the excitement she shows every time I come in the door, even if I’ve been gone no longer than to check the mail. Pets have a wonderful capacity to love, and all they ask in return is food and water, a warm place to sleep, and a pat on the head. Q: If your readers could take away only one message from Pedigreed Bloodlines, what would that be? Jesus commanded us to love the Lord with all our hearts, but He also said to love our neighbors as ourselves. At the beginning of Pedigreed Bloodlines, the heroine Leigh Dennison is admonished to look around at the needs of people in the world and try to help them. As the book develops, the truth of what Jesus said begins to sink in, and Leigh opens her eyes to the problems that other people are experiencing and tries to meet the needs she sees. I hope people who read the book will examine their own lives and ask themselves if they minister to those around them or do they simply ignore what they see. In Matthew 25:40 Jesus said, In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Q: How did you come up with the plot for Pedigreed Bloodlines? I thought about things that interest me and tried to determine which area would be one I could develop that would hold a reader’s attention. Everybody loves dogs, so I decided a mystery set in a kennel for show dogs would be a good setting. Then I sat down and began to develop characters and plot. I had to come up with clues and red herrings and decide where they needed to be sprinkled into the story. After all that, the story came together. Q: Do you have a special scripture verse that expresses your writing message? I have a lot of scriptures that speak to my heart. I suppose my favorite one is Isaiah 40:31-But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings of eagles; they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Some people might wonder what that has to do with writing. That verse cautions me not to grow discouraged when I get a rejection, not to give up even when I feel that I will never write something that a certain editor will like. It tells me to wait, that the Lord has something planned for me. My responsibility is to put my trust in Him-to walk and run with Him-and I’ll never grow weary. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? At present I’m working on the third book in the Leigh Dennison series. Its title is Rock Around a Murder. I’m also trying my hand at some romantic suspense. My agent has just submitted one, but we haven’t heard from that. I have a romantic suspense WIP that deals with murders on the campus of a prestigious music school. Since I’m a pianist, this story interests me a lot. I’m also planning a trip this summer to do some research for another cozy mystery series. Q: Has being a published novelist differed from your expectations? I don’t know what I expected being a published author to be like. I wondered if I could get through the edits, but I did. Now I’m trying to publicize the book, and that’s been a lot of fun. I’ve had two book signings, and I was amazed at the response. God has blessed, and I am thankful. Q: When you sit down to read for pleasure what authors do you choose? I’m an eclectic reader. I like mystery, suspense, and romance, both historical and contemporary. With so many writers in the Christian market, it’s difficult to make a decision most of the time. I usually just pull out what’s on top of my to-be-read pile. I especially enjoy Brandt Dobson’s books. He can develop characters that stay with you for a long time. I also enjoy Karen Kingsbury’s books. One I’ve enjoyed reading lately is the newly released Where the Truth Lies written by my critique buddies Janelle Mowery and Lisa Ludwig. Having been there since the beginning of that book, I was thrilled to see their words in print. Besides mysteries, I really like historical fiction. Two books that I’ve read recently and really enjoyed are The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. He gives us an insight into the problems that have affected Afghanistan. Q: What authors have inspired your writing career? An author that has inspired me is Jan Karon. Like me, she’d always had the dream of publishing a book. After years of working in another profession, she left it to pursue her dream. She didn’t have an easy time getting her first book published, but she persevered. Now she has won many awards, and her writing touches the lives of people all over the world. I also started writing after being an educator for years. It was so wonderful to have her example to keep in mind as I struggled to learn the craft. Q: What is your favorite part of writing? Your least favorite? My favorite part of writing is dreaming up the storyline and beginning to plot it. It takes over my brain for days. My least favorite part is doing revisions. Sometimes I think I will never get through changing things. Q: Any advice for aspiring novelists? I would suggest that aspiring writers study the genre they want to write and read the books that are being published. After that, the best thing to do is plant yourself in front of the computer. Begin to develop your characters and your plot and then write. Professional organizations like ACFW offer tremendous resources and expertise for the beginning writer. Attend workshops and conferences to develop your craft, and join a critique group that will help you polish your work. However, all these things won’t help unless your life is centered in God’s will. Pray and ask for His guidance, and let Him direct you. Whether or not you’re ever published, you can be assured of success in life if you let Him lead. Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? I would just say to those who read my book, I hope you enjoy it and take away something you can apply in your life. For more information about me and how to purchase my books, go to my website at or go to my blog and leave me a message. I’d love to hear from you. |
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Sandra Robbins, former teacher and principal, is the author of more than twenty published novels. A native of Tennessee, she lives with her husband in the small college town where she grew up. They are the parents of four children and five grandchildren. She is a two time winner of the HOLT medallion given by the Virginia Romance Writers of America to honor outstanding literary talent and the winner of the Gayle Wilson Award given by the Birmingham Southern Magic Chapter of Romance Writers of America. Her books have also been finalists in the ACFW Carol Awards and the Daphne du Maurier Award given by the Kiss of Death Chapter of Romance Writers of America.
It is her prayer that God will use her words to plant seeds of hope in the lives of her readers so that they can know the peace that comes from trusting Him.

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