Shannon Kent is the pen name of Shannon Sue Dunlap. (You are correct if you assume the last name is a Superman reference.) She grew up on a steady diet of joyous dancing and exuberant love songs in the classic Hollywood musicals. Her penchant for happy endings began early, and she was thrilled to find more of these in the fun and flirty world of Korean Dramas. Her trip to their exotic homeland offered many colorful experiences that she included in the My Korean Crush Series. Shannon also shares her love for Korean dramas at the Dramas with a Side of Kimchi Blog under the name Dramarookie. Decoy Valentine is her first romantic suspense novel.
Shannon Kent is the pen name of Shannon Sue Dunlap. (You are correct if you assume the last name is a Superman reference.) She grew up on a steady diet of joyous dancing and exuberant love songs in the classic Hollywood musicals. Her penchant for happy endings began early, and she was thrilled to find more of these in the fun and flirty world of Korean Dramas. Her trip to their exotic homeland offered many colorful experiences that she included in the My Korean Crush Series. Shannon also shares her love for Korean dramas at the Dramas with a Side of Kimchi Blog under the name Dramarookie. Decoy Valentine is her first romantic suspense novel.