Tracy L. Higley interview with Susan Sleeman
March 18, 2013
A. Besides my writing life, I’m a wife, mom of four (ages 10-20) and a small business owner. I’ve been privileged to travel quite a bit in the Mediterranean world while researching my novels, and that’s been one of my favorite parts of the writing life! Q: When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? A. I started my first novel at the age of eight, and have been writing ever since. It wasn’t until college that I thought seriously about writing professionally, and it took until my thirties to get published, but I think I’ve always been a writer. Q: Could you give us the highlights of your professional writing career including how you got your first writing break? A. I think writers’ conferences are one of the best places a new writer can invest their time and money. That’s where I learned, networked, and eventually met my agent. From there, I went on to sell my first book within months of being represented by that agent. My first book was medical thriller, but I quickly realized that I wanted to write novels that intersected with the adventures of history.
So Shines the Night is a romantic suspense set in the ancient city of Ephesus, during the time of Paul. It’s my hope that readers will feel the Book of Acts come alive as they walk the city streets and meet the characters! Q: Where did you get your inspiration for So Shines the Night? A: I’ve been writing about the Seven Wonders for awhile now, and when it came time to write about the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, it as a no-brainer that the action in Acts 19 would form the basis for the conflict of the story. From there, I had fun bringing it all to life! Q: What is the main thing you hope readers remember from this story? A: There are a number of themes I explored here, so it will vary from person to person, depending on where they are on their journey. I hope people will get a sense of the reality of the first century church, of Paul as a man. I want people to see that the love God has for us makes us secure, and that from that foundation we can risk to love others. I want readers to long for a sense of community that is found in the church of Ephesus. Q: What is your favorite scene/chapter from the book? A: There is a scene where the two main characters are on a terrace, late at night, overlooking the city of Ephesus and sharing their hearts. That one is probably my favorite. Q: What inspires you to write? A. The setting is usually what inspires me first. Many writers start with fascinating characters or a compelling plot, but I usually start with a place and say “ooh – what would it have been like to live there, in that time?” After that, it’s often the real history of the place that begins to inspire the story itself. Q: How has being a published novelist differed from your expectations of the profession? A: I didn’t really have specific expectations, though I do remember saying “if I could just get one book published, I’d be satisfied.” That turned out to be untrue! Writing is a difficult, wondrous journey and after ten books, I still have a hunger to create more stories. Q: What advice or tips do you have for writers who are just getting started? A: Keep writing. If you haven’t finished anything, keep writing. If you’ve finished something and are trying to submit and sell it somewhere, don’t wait for an answer, keep writing. If you’ve gotten some interest and it’s moving through the process, keep writing. The publishing industry can move very slowly, and the best way to be ready for your “big break” is to keep improving through practice, practice, practice. Q: Would you share with us what you are working on now? A. I’m noodling on a new book that will involve the magi, before they came to visit Jesus. This won’t be the magi of Sunday School stories, however! The best way to get a sense of what I’m working on now would be to visit this page: Although, don’t hold me to all those thoughts about the book I haven’t started yet – who knows where that will go. Q: When you’re not writing what do you like to do? A. Reading, movies, family, travel. Spend time outdoors. Q: Where can readers find you on the internet? A. I would love for your readers to visit me at You’ll find travel journals of my research trips, lots of extras about the fascinating facts behind the fiction, plus videos and all the sights, sounds and people of the cultures I write about. And some free stuff, too! Q: Anything else you’d like to tell or share with us? A. Don’t be afraid to live the adventure of your own life! Get inspired by reading the stories of others, then go out and find your own adventure!
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From her earliest childhood, there was nothing TRACY HIGLEY loved better than stepping into another world between the pages of a book. From dragons and knights, to the wonders of Narnia, that passion has never abated, and to Tracy, opening any novel is like stepping again through the wardrobe, into the thrilling unknown.
With every book she writes, she wants to open a door like that, and invite readers to be transported with her into a place that captivates.

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