Travis Thrasher interview with Susan Sleeman
March 27, 2007
Q: Your bio tells of a life growing up in many varied settings. What have you taken away from all these changes? How has it impacted you as a writer? Q: Your books are all very diverse. It would be hard to predict the story line of your next release. This is a compliment, by the way. How do you come up with your story lines? Q: I know this is like asking someone to choose their favorite child and as a parent I realize there is no such thing, but I’ll ask anyway. Do you have a favorite among your published books? If not, what do you like best about the last three published? Q: One thing I noted in reading your last four titles, is that you have employed various POV’s. The most notable book for this is Blinded where you use second person, a POV not commonly found in fiction. How did you settle on using second person? Was it hard to sell to a publisher? Q: As a follow up, Admission was written with two points of view, first and third person, but in both cases the narrator is Jake Rivers. Why did you choose to vary the points of view? Q: Admission has many references to song titles and bands. Tell us how important music is in your life, how it shaped you, and what you listen to now. Q: In Admission your college scenes are full of drinking and partying. What would you say to Christians who might have trouble reading about these real world party scenes or even think it has no place in Christian fiction? Q: If your readers could take away only one message from Admission, what would that be? Q: I was particularly interested in how the characters in Admission grew in their faith in a non-stereotypical way. Alyssa, who on the surface seemed to have mastered the Christian life in college ends up questioning if her focus had served her well. Jake, who forgoes actively living his faith in college, ends up living his faith and encouraging Alyssa later in life. How did you decide on this path for the two of them? Q: What writing project do you have planned next or are you working on now? Q: When did you start writing and do you now write full time? Q: What’s God been doing in your life lately? Q: If I had a peek at your bookshelves whose books would I find? Q: If you landed on the proverbial deserted island, what book would you wish to wash up on the beach? In a Ziploc, of course ? Q: What movies have you seen lately that you’d recommend and why? Q: Any advice for a writer who’s not yet been published? Q: Anything else you would like to tell our readers? Thanks to Travis Thrasher for this peek into his world. |
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